The Date Day Diary

Chicago Area Date Day Ideas

About Us

Thank you for finding your way to our blog!  We are Tom and Theresa, a happily married couple and the proud parents of three boys, a cat and a dog.  We realized a while ago that our evenings and weekends are usually filled with kid’s activities, chores and various other endeavors.  As a result, we never got to spend much time together – just the two of us.

We thought through our situation and decided to challenge ourselves to have a Chicago Area Date Day once a week.  This would be a time for us to do something special together while our kids were otherwise occupied.  It would give us a chance to explore Chicago and its surrounding areas, see interesting things and grow closer as a couple.

Originally, our goal was to do this every week for ten weeks in a row.  How could our hectic lives support anything more?  So, we started our dates.  We went on hikes, visited museums, explored neighborhoods that we had never bothered to see and fell in love with the area and each other all over again.  Ten weeks became twenty and before we knew it we were celebrating our fifty-second Date Day in New York City.  By this point our dates had become something we looked forward to every week and something we couldn’t do without.  We kept at it, researching new places and revisiting our favorites time and again.  We have managed to keep our dates going through illness, vacations and a generally crazy life.  Today, we are over three years without missing a single week.  It has taken a lot of effort and sacrifice to find a day a week for us to spend together, but it has been worth every second.

We decided to create this blog to share our adventures with others.  It is a lot of work for us to find and research new places to visit so hopefully we can give other couples ideas for creating their own Date Day experiences.  Our dates typically take place on weekdays, last 3-6 hours and have us home by 4pm.  It has been a great way for us to see and do things in and around Chicago, but more importantly it has been a way for us to spend much needed time together.  We hope you enjoy reading about our dates as much as we enjoy writing about them.  Please leave us a message with your Date Day  ideas or if you would like us to help you create your perfect Date Day experience.

Tom and Theresa